
Aktuality a informácie


Poslaťod Tarhiel » 30 Jan 2014, 02:44

Ahojte drahí,

Tak, čo to tu dneska máme?

Á, vo svete to vrie: Budú (budú?) voľby do Euróspkeho parlamentu, a tak sa nám aktivizujú kresťania anti-gay:
http://www.citizengo.org/en/2882-europe ... -lunacekno
aj pro-gay:
http://www.lgbt-ep.eu/press-releases/co ... omophobia/

a vôbec:
http://www.ilga-europe.org/home/how_we_ ... ons/ep2014

Sponzori tohtoročnej olympiády to budú mať ťažké (nie žeby som ich ľutoval):
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michelang ... Q9MjM2ODg=
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/28/busin ... Q9MjM2ODg=

A teraz trochu cirkevnô:

Lay groups seek to offer input on bishop selection

Two East Coast Catholic groups, emboldened by the vision of Vatican II, are advocating for lay participation in the selection of bishops. The unexpected snag is figuring out how the laity are allowed to participate in this little-known process.
http://ncronline.org/news/faith-parish/ ... -selection

'Francis revolution' rolls on in both symbols and substance

In ways both substantive and symbolic, the "Francis revolution" rolled on in January with personnel shuffles, policy signals and gestures intended to reinforce the pope's vision of a more merciful church devoted to the world's peripheries.
http://ncronline.org/news/vatican/franc ... -substance

A na rozlúčku, keďže niektorí z Vás boli na divadelnom predstavení, keby ste náhodou nevedeli, že divadlo nie je len pre gayov:
Shalebridge Lurker, obsessive gaymer, insta-nerd and other Taffin´ interests. Also, I am an UNN von Braun Officer.
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Príspevky: 448
Registrovaný: 01 Jún 2013, 00:24
Bydlisko: In the hands of The Builder...

Re: 30.01.2014

Poslaťod Tarhiel » 31 Jan 2014, 23:03

Evangelicals Are Winning the Gay Marriage Fight--in Africa and Russia

Long before President Obama selected three gay athletes to lead the American delegation to the Sochi Olympics, long before President Vladimir Putin declared Russia to be the world's new "moral compass," and long before practically anyone in the West had even heard of that country's new "homosexual propaganda" law, one American had thought deeply about it—because he'd helped invent it. "My greatest success, in terms of my own personal strategy, is Russia," Scott Lively says from his native Massachusetts, where he launched a quixotic bid for governor this year.
http://www.nationaljournal.com/gay-wash ... a-20140123

Women; the old guard; pope v. pope; graffiti; and All Things Catholic

Given the through-the-looking-glass dynamic of the media today, everything Pope Francis says or does is defined as news, however hard it may be to pin down what it means and however often he may have said or done precisely the same thing before.
http://ncronline.org/blogs/all-things-c ... s-catholic
Shalebridge Lurker, obsessive gaymer, insta-nerd and other Taffin´ interests. Also, I am an UNN von Braun Officer.
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 448
Registrovaný: 01 Jún 2013, 00:24
Bydlisko: In the hands of The Builder...

Re: 30.01.2014

Poslaťod Tarhiel » 02 Feb 2014, 02:23

They Hate Me In Vain – LGBT Christians in Today’s Russia

Dokumentárny film o LGBT kroesťanoch v Rusku
Shalebridge Lurker, obsessive gaymer, insta-nerd and other Taffin´ interests. Also, I am an UNN von Braun Officer.
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 448
Registrovaný: 01 Jún 2013, 00:24
Bydlisko: In the hands of The Builder...

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