
Aktuality a informácie


Poslaťod Tarhiel » 18 Júl 2013, 00:52

A sú tu nové novinky z tohto týždňa!

A day in the life of GCN's deisgner and web developer

What do you do, exactly? GCN's new series over the next couple of months will cover what our staff and volunteers do exactly. We have already featured our director of operations,Nate Krogh, in June.

The intersection between beauty and justice

When it comes to theological aesthetics, consideration of women’s perspectives and understandings has, more often than not, been nonexistent or very limited. Historically, masculine interpretations of beauty and justice have informed the intersection between aesthetics and ethics, say Laurie Cassidy and Maureen H. O’Connell, editors of the new collection She Who Imagines: Feminist Theological Aesthetics.
http://ncronline.org/books/2013/07/inte ... nd-justice

Australia bishop: Early handling of sex abuse allegations was 'fairly bumbling'

An Australian bishop told a special commission of inquiry into sexual abuse that he failed to familiarize himself with the personnel file of a serial pedophile priest "because the whole area of sexual abuse is so distasteful that I would have found it very unpalatable to dig further."
http://ncronline.org/news/accountabilit ... y-bumbling

Ireland interfaith gathering denied permission for shared Communion service

The Glenstal Ecumenical Conference, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, is the oldest and most successful interfaith gathering between Roman Catholics and Protestants in Ireland. But a senior prelate's decision to not allow the conference to offer a shared Eucharist as part of its anniversary observance has placed its future in doubt.
http://ncronline.org/news/global/irelan ... on-service

Popes put personal stamp on World Youth Day celebrations

Blessed John Paul II rallied young Catholics, Pope Benedict XVI instructed them and Pope Francis is preparing to send them out on mission.
http://ncronline.org/news/vatican/popes ... lebrations

Fr. Helmut Schüller kicks off 'Catholic Tipping Point' tour

Fr. Helmut Schüller should be on summer vacation right now. Instead, the Austrian priest, who gained international attention in 2011 for his "Call to Disobedience," has chosen to spend his time off from parish ministry offering a presentation titled "The Catholic Tipping Point: Conversations" in 15 U.S. cities.
http://ncronline.org/blogs/grace-margin ... point-tour
Shalebridge Lurker, obsessive gaymer, insta-nerd and other Taffin´ interests. Also, I am an UNN von Braun Officer.
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Re: 18.07.2013

Poslaťod jurov » 18 Júl 2013, 21:15

Vatican offers 'time off purgatory' to followers of Pope Francis tweets

Ak tomu správne chápem, ten kto bude sledovať pápežov twitter, tomu sa uľahčí v očistci.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/ju ... cis-tweets
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