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Prinášam Vám neskorý vý(z)ber noviniek zo sveta LGBT:
We are an Easter people All you Easter belng to us. Resistance is futille:
For many years, I kept a note card on my refrigerator that proclaimed the message: "We are an Easter people."
http://ncronline.org/blogs/spiritual-re ... ter-people
Odpoveď Jophna Crovina na "posunutie" jeho prednášky: Response to Providence College’s “Rescheduling” of My Event
http://johncorvino.com/2013/09/response ... -my-event/
Twin Cities task force reports 'serious shortcomings' in archdiocesan policies
Too much power in too few hands. Inadequate oversight. Broken communication channels and compartmentalized information. An outdated record-keeping system, and no meaningful program to audit and monitor compliance.
http://ncronline.org/news/accountabilit ... n-policies
Oregon priest leaves Catholic church, files legal demand for personnel files
Fr. James Radloff's status as a priest in good standing in the diocese of Baker, Ore., has come to an end as he announced in an open letter Tuesday that he is leaving the Roman Catholic Church to "continue my journey as a priest" with a breakaway denomination, the Evangelical Catholic Church.
http://ncronline.org/news/faith-parish/ ... nnel-files
Editorial: New papal saints have flaws as well as greatness
The two popes to be elevated to sainthood April 27, John XXIII and John Paul II, embodied some of the ancient forces that have shaped the Christian community since its earliest days. Each, in different measure, represented the tensions that play out perennially between charism and authority, between the rule of law and pastoral sensibilities, between maintaining order at the risk of rigidity and giving free rein to the Spirit at the risk of chaos.
http://ncronline.org/news/vatican/edito ... -greatness
The global sisterhood: nowhere and everywhere
It's a simple story. Some would say “simplistic.” But it didn't feel like that to me the night it happened.
http://globalsistersreport.org/column/w ... ywhere-381
Science and theology both reveal splendor of our natural world
The best kind of discussion is not an argument. Although the thrust and parry of intellectual conflict can be stimulating, it is rarely productive. The best kind of discussion is dialogue, when two entities openly and honestly share ideas and accept the best from each other's perspective.
http://ncronline.org/books/2014/04/scie ... ural-world
Same-Sex Civil Union Supporters March in Lima
http://www.peruviantimes.com/14/same-se ... Q9MjQ0NDI=
Y un artículo en la lengua Espaňola!
http://elcomercio.pe/politica/congreso/ ... Q9MjQ0NDI=
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