nizsie preposielam ponuku v anglictine na spolupracu na jednom zaujimavom projekte.
Ak mate menej ako 30 a chceli by ste byt sucastou medzinarodnej pracovnej skupiny, ktora vyda spolocne vyhlasenie mladych LGBT ludi k bliziacej sa synode o mladezi v 2018, tak napiste sukromne mne alebo Michaelovi. Ma ist hlavne o online stretnutia cez Skype.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Brinkschroeder <michael.brinkschroeder@web.de>
Date: 2017-07-31 19:58 GMT+02:00
Subject: youth synod
Dear XXX,
if you are still under 30 years, I would like to ask you if you are interested to cooperate in the preparation of a gathering of LGBT young Catholics which has the task to develop a common statement addressing the bishops of the Youth Synod. At the moment, we are planning to have this gathering in parallel to the EF conference in Albano Laziale near Rome from 9-13 May.
Other people who are interested in joining the prepteam are Ola from Poland (she was in Gdansk), Anna from Germany and Gauthier from France. I hope to find few other people from London and Italy and perhaps one more from Germany. Currently I try to find the young people who are interested in this adventure.
The preparation will mainly done via Skype.
Best wishes
Dr. Michael Brinkschröder
Untere Weidenstraße 2
81543 München - Germany
tel: +498965102063
mob: +4915778814399
skype: m.brinkschroeder