
Aktuality a informácie


Poslaťod Tarhiel » 17 Apr 2014, 21:41

Ahojte všetci,
Tuná si môžete prečítať predveľkonočný výber článkov s LGBT tematikou:

Malta schválila registrované partnerstvá:
http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/vi ... ons.514992

Workšop v Londýne "Living in Prophetic Hope" proti homofóbii a transfóbii:
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzOeQlp ... BMb2c/edit
http://livinginprophetichopeidaho2014.t ... rce.co.uk/

NIekoľko článkov, ktoré majú jediného spoločného menovateľa: ľudia hľadajúci asylum v cudzích zemiach, pretože v tých ich to nie je bezpečné - hrozí im týranie alebo smrť.
Review ordered into questioning over-intrusive questioning of gay asylum seekers
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ ... Q9MjQzODY=
'Home Office wouldn't believe I was gay: how do you prove it?'
http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014 ... Q9MjQzODY=
Blind bisexual asylum seeker ‘beaten’ by UK deportation officers
http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/blin ... Q9MjQzODY=
Gay asylum seekers face 'humiliation'
http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014 ... Q9MjQzODY=
Conducting the asylum interview process
https://www.gov.uk/government/publicati ... Q9MjQzODY=
MIssing the mark: Decision Making on LGBT Asylum Claims
http://www.uklgig.org.uk/wp-content/upl ... Q9MjQzODY=

In the midst of tragedy, we can learn to love
The Jewish Community Center (JCC) in Overland Park, Kan., is my second home. In fact, I often spend more time there than I do in my own house. In addition to going to high school there, spending 8 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. within those walls, I often stay there after school for basketball practice, tutoring sessions or a round of video games with friends. And that does not include the countless hours I spend at the JCC on the weekends meeting friends, working out and participating in community events.
http://ncronline.org/news/peace-justice ... learn-love

Former Salvadoran defense minister faces deportation from U.S. for role in killings, torture
A former Salvadoran defense minister faces deportation after a U.S. judge in Miami found that atrocities committed by troops under his command were not fully investigated, much less prosecuted. Those atrocities include the killings of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero, four U.S. churchwomen, and more than 1,000 peasants at El Mozote, the worst massacre of civilians in contemporary Latin American history.
http://ncronline.org/news/accountabilit ... gs-torture

A niečo pekné na záver:
Stories inspire hope for church's future
Hungering and Thirsting for Justice: Real-Life Stories by Young Adult Catholics collects 10 short memoirs from Catholics in their 20s and 30s, sharing their experiences of and their yearnings for justice. Editors Kate Ward and Lacey Louwagie explain that these 10 contributors were not provided with instructions or guidelines for writing their vignettes, yet one quickly finds common threads woven throughout each of these unique stories.
http://ncronline.org/books/2014/04/stor ... chs-future

Szía in a week!

Wayne State scholar gains national standing as a respectful voice for LGBT rights
http://bridgemi.com/2014/04/wayne-state ... bt-rights/
Shalebridge Lurker, obsessive gaymer, insta-nerd and other Taffin´ interests. Also, I am an UNN von Braun Officer.
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Príspevky: 448
Registrovaný: 01 Jún 2013, 00:24
Bydlisko: In the hands of The Builder...

Re: 17.04.2014

Poslaťod Tarhiel » 20 Apr 2014, 22:40

First Look: Barneys Spring Campaign Features 17 Breathtaking Trans Models
Barneys new campaign, as first reported Wednesday night in The New York Times, features 17 transgender people whose unique personal stories are being shared in a series of short films.
http://www.buzzfeed.com/skarlan/first-l ... eathtaking
Shalebridge Lurker, obsessive gaymer, insta-nerd and other Taffin´ interests. Also, I am an UNN von Braun Officer.
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 448
Registrovaný: 01 Jún 2013, 00:24
Bydlisko: In the hands of The Builder...

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